Adventures of the Urban Kind: In Search of The Great Water Fall!
>> Sunday, January 31, 2010
In this episode of The Adventures of WHAW, we decided to venture out on an urban hike in search of The Great Water Fall. Instead of heading to the airport and taking our usual mode of transportation, we decided to mix things up a bit and hop a ride on the light rail. We watched them build this for many months and thought it would be fun to actually take it for a ride. So we did, and no they didn't let me drive...
When we got to the great river (I know I know, it looks more like a lake....)
Climbing to the top of the tree canopy proved to be a success. They spotted the water fall. But was this The Great Water Fall?
Or Batman ice cream bars, they taste pretty good too...
We made it! We found The Great Water Fall and had a great urban adventure in the process!