We have officially run away to join the circus!

>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If anyone is looking for us, we have officially run away to join the circus. When we got to the circus, a few clowns asked us what we were doing there. We have come to join the circus, I said. They just laughed at us. I asked them to stop clowning around and show us to the ring masters office. They then escorted us to the center ring and asked us to wait there. Pretty soon, along came the ring master with 4 clip boards each with an application packet an inch thick. He asked us to read through the legal liability release forms and then fill out the other information. After we read and signed away our rights to any form of safety nets, the ring master told us we would have to be photographed. Afterwards, we were escorted beneath the arena seats to the make up and wardrobe room. The spandex uniforms were really comfortable.
Weston was dressed as a tight rope walker. Looks like all that practice standing on his head has paid off.
They assigned me to play with a few of the cats. When I realized it was the tiger cage, I asked for a couple of whips. I caught a few clowns trying to stuff a few steaks in my pocket which made me mad. This time I really yelled at them, "STOP CLOWNING AROUND!" After all, that seems a little dangerous for someone who just signed away there rights to all safety nets.
Since Heidi and Alea specialize in arial acrobatics, they were asked to do a few flips in the air. Now don't think for a second, that these were just any ordinary flips. They were going to be shot out of a cannon and do a few flips in the air, clear across the arena.
The cheers from the crowd were amazing!