Have you ever had that feeling...

>> Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have you ever had that feeling?  You know the one where something just isn't right?  I had that feeling all day today.  I couldn't quite figure it out.  It was a great day in all aspects.  I was very productive at work despite all of the meetings with the auditors, the attorneys, and the status updates of endless projects, that seem to...never end.  I even left work early, that is if you consider 5:04 to be early.  Traffic was light not to mention it was still light outside.  That's always a mental adjustment when you're use to driving home in the dark.  I couldn't quite put my finger on that feeling... That is until I sat down and kicked up my feet...

Funny thing is...I don't remember that hole being there this morning when I put my socks on!  I wonder if I can find another pair just like them?  I like wearing socks where you can cross your eyes for a really long time and see fun things!