B is for Bowling...

>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In this episode of the Adventures of WHAW...

We went bowling while up in Utah.  After all, there's not much to do when the ski slopes are closed, the swimming pools aren't open, and the fact that we were only there for about 36 hours. 

Alea preparing to throw her 2 finger split ball!
Weston keeping score!
Heidi in windup ready for take off!
Wynn with the double fingered 6 hole green ball!

Alea claimed she was the winner while Weston declared himself the winner.  I just knew I had to be the winner after 10 strikes in a row, but Heidi was quick to explain the difference between a gutter ball and a strike.  The final scores were tallied and a winner was declared, but before the winner was announced and the trophy presented, the guy in the lane next to us (see him above in the dark shirt) pontificated the meaning of life without bean-o and we all scattered before becoming engulfed in his toxic cloud of grief.  Of course he blamed it on his 2 year old, but I think we all knew better!