9 hours and 45 minutes in San Diego...

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In this episode of The Adventures of WHAW, we found ourselves headed to the airport at 6:30 AM hoping to catch our 7:45 flight to San Diego. The weather according to Yahoo said 65 degrees and partly cloudy in the morning with sunshine in the afternoon. Pretty typical for San Diego in June. They don't call it June gloom for nothing. After arriving at the Parking Spot, we parked the car, hopped into the shuttle and headed to terminal 4. We arrived at the airport and proceeded through security with no wait at all. After all, it was 7:15 am on a Saturday morning.
We got to gate A7 and waited to board the plane. Once we got on the plane, the co pilot asked Weston and Alea to help fly the plane since he hadn't seen the pilot yet this morning. Now, since Weston or Alea don't even have a driver’s license let alone a pilot’s license, they had to have Heidi help them fly the plane. Meanwhile, I had to sit in the back of the plane next to the bathroom door, which if you have ever sat in the aisle seat of row 25, you know what I'm talking about. Every time someone opens the door to come out of the bathroom, there's a race to see what hits you in the face first. Will it be the smell or the door? Okay, so I didn't really have to sit in row 25, nor did Heidi and the kids really have to fly the plane. The pilot eventually showed up and asked Weston to give up the yoke. Weston complied, and we took our seats in row 6.

A quick 55 minutes later, we landed in beautiful sunny, I mean cloudy, San Diego! Now having checked the weather the night before, I knew that 65 degrees would seem a tad bit cold to us Phoenicians. Afterall, that is a 40 degree differential in June! So as you can see, the kids were well prepared and wearing their hoodies! We picked up our Alamo rental car which was a black HHR, which feels like driving a lunch box, you know the metal kind we all had as kids...without the Thermos though. At least the kids thought it was cool! We headed out to find the best breakfast in cloudy San Diego. Turns out it was here:
Now that our biological need for hot cocoa and pan cakes was fullfilled, I just new what was coming next. The beach! But wait, its still pretty gloomy and still only 65 degrees out side. So being the part time San Diego tour guide that I am, I opted to take everyone to see the Sea Lions in La Jolla. As we walked out on the sea wall closer to the Sea Lions, the smell became almost unbearable. At first everyone thought that Weston had farted or something. But we soon realized that the sea lions weren’t obeying the beach rules and using the public bathrooms next to the life guard station. What can you expect from sea lions? After all they don’t exactly have arms to wipe themselves, let alone the ability to use public bathrooms. But I digress… In all we counted 93 sea lions.
Once we had enough of the smell, we ventured out to the beach. As I alluded to earlier, I am somewhat of a San Diego tour guide, at least part time. So I found us this beautiful secluded sandy beach that I thought every one would love. Turns out it was too narrow…
We really wanted to rent sea kayaks and take a few hours to paddle around the beach but we were told they were all tied up and that we couldn’t rent any…
Since we couldn’t rent the sea kayaks, we opted to hit the beach with a blanket and relax while the kids played in the ocean. Since the temperature was still 65 degrees, Weston opted to build sand castles while Alea body surfed on her kick board the whole time. Weston, in deep thought asked, “Is there more sand particles on the beach or more water in the ocean?” I told him we would google that when we got back home. After watching Alea drift farther out and to the right, I was forced to head into the ocean to go get her and remind her of her position. She really had no fear and for the most part, the waves were fairly small and the depth pretty shallow. The water was considerably warm for a cloudy 65 degree June gloom afternoon.
After we convinced Alea to get out of the water we headed to Sea Port Village to get fudge. Traditions often start without any prior thought, and fortunately for Heidi’s sweet tooth, we stumbled upon a tradition of consuming Sea Port Village Fudge. I couldn’t even tell you the name of the shop, but I can get anyone there that asks for directions. After all, I am the part time San Diego tour guide. By this time, it was almost 5:00 pm which signaled it was time to head back to the airport to catch our 6:40 flight. We put 1.5 gallons of $3.09 a gallon of gas into the lunchbox thermos and returned the lunchbox back to Alamo, hopped into the shuttle and were dropped of at the terminal. After heading through security and before getting to the gate, we had to stop to use the bathrooms. Some of us really had to go!
On the way home, they didn’t ask any of us to fly the plane and sat us in row 7. Upon landing, we got off the plane and noticed right away that someone left the heat on in Phoenix while we were enjoying our cloudy 65 degree day in San Diego.
All 9 hours and 45 minutes of it…


Take me out to the ball game!

>> Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The D-backs played the SF Giants Tuesday night. Section 211 was prime real estate for foul balls.
The hot dogs didn't last very long.and another motivational moment to encourage practicing the piano!


Mr. Cantski

>> Monday, June 8, 2009


Death of a Cactus

If a cactus falls in the desert, does anybody hear it?

How often does a cactus die? Do the other cacti mourn the loss of their friends? Do they gather together to wish farewell? Probably so, but not much hugging going on. After all, they are prickly and pokey and nobody likes prickley and pokey hugs.

Maybe cacti do...


My favorite place

>> Monday, June 1, 2009

Ever have an epiphany? Well I did this past Saturday when Heidi and I were making a mad dash across the Charlotte, NC airport from terminal E to terminal B to catch our flight home to Phoenix. Don't let the airport maps in the back of the inflight magazine fool you, that is pretty far. That wasn't exactly my epiphany, as I rather had a small idea exactly just how far it was.

My epiphany came to me as we rounded the corner to terminal B and I glanced up at the gates and saw the destinations listed. Gate B-2 was headed to St. Thomas. Gate B-4 was headed to Jamaica. Gate B-8 was headed to Miami. Well you get the idea...

At that very moment, I realized that my favorite place is the airport! Now I know what your thinking, that wet damp feeling that soaks your socks when you take off your shoes just prior to getting that cavity search at the security check point isn't the greatest feeling on earth. Nor is the smell of the rotten feet from the guy in front of you that is invasively permeating your nostrils, the most enticing of odors. Or that knot that forms in your stomach when you walk through the metal detector wondering if your new belt will set it off. But if you get past that part of the journey, and realize that the airport provides an opportunity to go just about anywhere, well that is pretty liberating.

The airport is a portal to an adventure not to mention a pretty great place to people watch too!


To blog or not to blog - Is that the question?

So it seems the best way to keep up with everyone is through reading their blogs. I just don't seem motivated enough for Facebook, sleazy enough for MySpace, and not technical enough for my own web site. So for now, it seems its the right time for a blog. Although I just might regret this later as last week I found myself perusing the various blogs of people we know and ended up doubled over on the floor laughing hysterically! Who could have guessed orthopedic boots could provide such gut wrenching entertainment, but I digress....

So your probably wondering... What is WHAW? Who is WHAW? Where is WHAW?

Well, keep reading and you'll get the idea...